York  - Week 3

Yorkshire, home of the puddings...
Week Three

This week in numbers ...

Miles ran : 26.86
Wine drunk :  probably best to just say it was a lot for a lot of days
Beer drunk :  3 or 4
Cocktails drunk -  1 pina colada & 1 mojito each day
Times I was nearly run over : lots, foreigners drive the wrong way
Times I was swore at it Spanish : 1 possibly 2
Naked blokes I saw on the beach : 3
Naked ladies I saw on the beach : 0

Monday 15th July

Supposed to be rest day but did a shitty run yesterday so decided I needed to punish myself today and do an extra run, nice and easy 4 miles along the coast.

Legs are tired and heavy and definitely should have taken a rest day but this week I'm going on holiday so should get extra miles in because no idea how often I'll run whilst away.

I'm an idiot, I should have rested.

I eat lots of mushrooms today, keep the diet going before teh inevitable holiday weight gain.

Tuesday 16th July

Well today is holiday day, I'm flying at 15:50 to Gran Canaria so decided to do the club session of 8 x 3 mins at 10k pace early doors so I had at least one quality run session this week.

Up early and most importantly here I weighed myself for my pre-holiday check in with Paul Bain. 

Every year we both go on all inclusive holidays and have a competition of who can put on the most weight in a week, it's not unusual for me to put around 10 pounds on in a week and a stone+ has been known.

For those unaware of my fat lad physiology, I was a big fat lad for a long time, at my peak 18+ stone and survived on a diet of lager and kebabs until I discovered running.  So it's safe to say I have a very unhealthy relationship with food which running helps to nullify.  So usually I see an all inclusive holiday is an excuse to drink wine for breakfast and eat my body-weight in pastries, cakes and cheese.

God I love cheese and wine.

But this year there's a change, I've lost a stone recently and survived almost exclusively on a diet of mushrooms , eggs and raspberries.  This morning I weighed 11st11lb, that's the lightest I've been in nearly 10 years and no all inclusive holiday is taking that away from me.

Anyway, I digress. Went down to the sandcasltes and did the session, struggled a bit of I'm honest, reps 1-4 were done and at B team pace but then went a bit light headed and found it hard going, maybe mushrooms aren't the miracle food I thought they were and the lack of protein and carbs is starting to hit me.

Finished the session, went home and then headed to the airport.

Wednesday 17th July

Day 1 of the holiday, we were up til about 3am drinking, I'm tired and ridiculously hungover when the alarm goes off for 7am and I'm fumbling around to put my running gear on.

I'm thirsty and hungry and the only thing in the room to sustain me is a pack of skittle sours and a half drunk glass of red wine.  I chuck a handful of skittles in my mouth and swig the remnants of wine, it's more than I thought and now I have a mouthful of sticky sour sweets and red wine mixing, not unpleasant if I'm honest.

Then head out for the run.  It's early and only the cleaners are around, the sun is just coming up, I'm still dizzy, hungover and tired and head in what I think is the direction of the beach.  I have a terrible sense of direction and without Google maps I'm fairly certain I would have got lost on a run years ago and been discovered 10 years later still running and looking confused.

I run along the beach pathway which soon ends at some shops and I make the decision to head down onto the beach, now those that know me know how much I hate sand but I'm committed now.  It's firm wet sand and decent to run on and I'm just doing 4 miles easy so it's fine.

I give the runners nod to a few passing runners, they don't reciprocate, I blame it on Brexit.  The time flies by and the beach surface changes from sand to a black rock gravel and I see the famous Maspolomas sand dunes to my right, I glance to the left and see a guy standing in the sea knee deep.  I admire his pink shorts, his pink flesh coloured shorts, he turns to face me, we lock eyes.  

That ain't no pink shorts, that's a bare arse, he's naked, he is swinging freely and I hurriedly look away.  Why is he naked? There are people about walking and I know my eyesight not great but I know a penis when I see one. That's a bit weird isn't it? Not that I know a penis when I see one but that there's a naked guy standing on the beach. I make a mental note to tell Gail later and carry on.....

Maybe 100 metres later and there's a guy coming out the sea ahead of me and walks directly across my path, now this guy is also naked and must have mistaken me for an old friend as he seems mightily pleased to see me.  I stare directly at the floor and wonder what's going on, a minute later another penis and this guy's standing arms aloft and for a second I think he's about to start doing star jumps, for the love of god I do not want to see that. 

I turn to head back and thankfully the return run is a penis free zone and then I spot the sign, the nudist beach sign, the one I ran straight past and never spotted, maybe they just installed it after I ran past 10 minutes ago? I'm both relieved and shocked and make a mental note to persuade Lily to come for a run with me later in the week and decide I'll not tell her, be a lovely surprise for her.

Now why is it that a nudist beach run is an entirely penis filled experience and not a single lady anywhere to be seen? Why are nudists always fellas? Whilst I have nothing against a penis or two (or three on this occasion), I've had my fill of them by just being a bloke and seeing my own on a daily basis (apart from the fat Simon years when this was nigh on impossible, read above...)

Thursday 18th July

It's threshold Thursday, it's 6 x 1 mile at threshold pace with 2 minutes jog recoveries.

My alarm goes off, I'm once again hungover and I don't want to go out. I lie in bed for 10 minutes giving myself excuses to not go for a run, they're all a bit shit and I know I need to go out so I get up and tiptoe to the toilet to get ready and not wake Gail up.

I leave the room and get in the lift and I head down and then I'm off, I'm hungover and I'm running and it's hot and humid.  I start slow and then as I get to the beach path I lift the pace a bit to 8 minute miles to warm up, within 5 minutes I realise there's not a chance I can do mile repeats, it's way too humid and breathing hurts too much, the thought of trying to drop another minute a mile is not remotely appealing and I'm hungover and on holiday and I just don't want to do it and I come up with another half dozen excuses all involving me not wanting to do it, so I don't.

I do 3 miles steady instead and heading back I have to do one hill that someone has named the stairs of death on Strava, this is misleading because there's a ramp next to them and I also don't die.

Head back to the hotel, naturally get lost on the way and spend the rest of the day drinking cocktails and lying in the sun.  The cocktails are good but there's this one guy in the pool bar that either doesn't know what he's doing when making cocktails or really does know what he's doing when he makes cocktails as they are about 70% spirit with a bit of a mixer, they are both enjoyable and lethal in equal measure.  I have at least 2 each morning between breakfast and lunhc, this is the point of the day I switch to wine.

Friday 19th July

Off for an easy 5k and this time taking Lily, she seems very keen to head along to the nudist beach for some reason, but like me she's completely blind without her glasses so hopes aren't high.

As it was, it just one elderly fella standing in all his glory high up on the beach, we have a nice, easy run and chat about life, jobs, naked old fellas, naked old fellas fella's and mushrooms.

Yes that's right, I haven't forgotten about mushrooms and I'm pleased to say they have a healthy smattering of mushrooms at all three meal times. 

I've been doing a double breakfast each day, natural yoghurt, honey and a sprinkling of whatever seeds, nuts and fruit that's on offer but not the powdered, roasted corn, they caught me out with that once before.  You put it on your mouth and it instantly sucks all moisture from your entire body, coats the inside of your mouth and throat with powder and you cough up clouds of toasted corn for hours afterwards. Breakfast 2 is a couple of eggs, usually fried or maybe scrambled as I need the protein and some mushrooms.

Lunch is always salad and some cheese and a glass of white wine, the glasses of wine are huge here and I think two would drain a bottle dry.  When I say 'a glass' I naturally mean two.

Dinner is salad, maybe some pasta, mushrooms naturally and a large glass of red wine (or two) and the pudding table calls my name every night but by Friday all I've had is one very small square of carrot cake and fruit, lots of fruit.

And wine, lots of wine.

And cocktails, lots of cocktails.

Saturday 20th July

It's parkrun day so I have a plan to run a 5k today, I'm writing this on Friday before I've been for dinner and started on the red wine so I'm not convinced this will happen.  Get to bed around 2am, the room is spinning a little but I've run parkruns in worse states.

Up and out at 5am for 5km'ish all along the coast from the hotel, Lily is with me once again. After a mile or so she remarks that its all been pretty much downhill, this is when I tell here the plan is to turn after 2.5km and then run the second half all uphill including the stairs of death, she's not happy, this makes me laugh to myself.

As I mentioned above its pretty steep but stairs of death is a step too far. I'm guessing the segment was created by someone from a flat country, maybe a slightly chubby Belgian fella or a Dutch lady who runs in clogs.

Spend the rest of the day sleeping, drinking and eating.

Sunday 21st July

It's Sunday.

It's long run day.

The most important run of the week when mara training.

I've got 16 miles on the plan today.

My alarm goes off at 7am.

I roll over and  switch it off.

I roll back over and go back to sleep.

No running today.

Decide on a rest day instead.

So it was a lie in til 8, then down for the daily sunbed wars, breakfast, listening to a league of gentlemen podcast and laughing away to myself and drinking cocktails.  Tonight's hotel entertainment is a Spanish club singer, I reckon it's going to be awful but entertainingly awful which I'm a big fan of.  She starts with a Bob Marley song, this is going to be superbly awful.  Then we get The Proclaimers, she's brave but she's misguided, then she starts with Spanish songs and the crowd are up.  In my eyes she peaked too early and I drown my sorrows in wine.

Oh and an important change has come over me this holiday, life changing you might say.

I've been drinking white wine.

But I am still eating mushrooms, three times a day.

And I'm eating a lot of plums.

Previous Blogs

All previous blogs are available to read HERE
